Topic Name Description
Unit 1: Student Engagement with Society in Higher Education ​ URL (2022) EU Status Quo Report on Student Engagement with Society.
URL Mapping and Critical Synthesis of Current State-of-the-Art on Community Engagement in Higher Education (2018)
Unit 2: Good Practices in Student Engagement With Society URL Compendium of Good Practices on Student Engagement
Road Map for Self Evaluation File Engagement Evaluation Canvas

Canvas are developed to help you analyze and evaluate the engagement. Please answerer the questions and put the answers down. You may start in any of windows, and go  to the next. To get the best result you have to do several rounds of answers.

Unit 3: A Framework for Student Engagement with Society​ File U-Society Qual-AI-ty Assessment Model​
Unit 4: Qual-AI-tative Data Wizard ​ File Qual-AI-tative Data Wizard User Manual​
File U-Society Action Plan
URL Plase try QUALIA
Additional video which might be helpful URL Rethinking Student Engagement | Nurun Nahar | TEDx
URL students engagement in university ted talk
URL Students engagement in university life (Example of Simmons Univeristy)
URL What is Community Engagement?
URL What is Civic Engagement?
URL Students and community engagement
Additional readings which might be helpful File Deffinition of Engagement
URL OECD Skills Strategy 2019
URL 25 Things to Know About Student Engagement in 2022
URL How to Activate Student Engagement?
URL What Is Student Engagement?
URL Why Student Engagement is Important and How to Increase It?
Please print out your certificate about completing this course File CERTIFICATE