DA2106(English)(1),24/25-P Fizika(English)(1),24/25-P

Physics gathers facts and knowledge about all processes in the ambient, at all levels of matter, from atomic and elemental particle world to the universe as a whole, using a common system of physical characteristics and fundamental laws of nature. In physics mathematical models of real processes and objects are created which describe the properties of the studied objects (processes) with numerical values of certain physical quantities. The physics course is the fundamental basis
of the theoretical knowledge of an engineer, without which an engineer cannot operate successfully. The course provides basic physical theoretical knowledge in the fields of mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electromagnetism, wave and quantum optics, quantum mechanics, solid state physics, atomic physics, atomic nucleus and particle physics. An important part of the course is devoted to practical activities, current trends in the natural sciences and the application of their research results to the development of new technologies and products.
The course consists of lectures, practical and laboratory classes. During the course students will learn methods of solving practical problems, as well as skills of experimental work and basics of mathematical processing of experimental results. Particular emphasis will be placed on analyzing environmental engineering issues, environmental technologies, including the efficiency of heat engines and all types of heat transfer processes.