LUK004(English)(1),24/25-P Relativitāte un kosmoloģija(English)(1),24/25-P
The study course is implemented at the University of Latvia. Responsible instructor - Marcis Auzins.
Detailed description of the study course is available at:
The study course consists of two major parts: Einstein’s theory of General Relativity (GR) and physical cosmology. In the first part, the concept of curved spacetime is introduced and used to develop the Einstein’s geometric theory of gravitation. Non-rotating black hole metric is determined; rotating black hole metric is discussed. The GR concepts are applied to the Homogeneous Universe model, and Friedmann equations are derived and solved. Standard Model of cosmology is introduced; dark matter and dark energy components are discussed, including their possible candidates and cosmological constraints on particle physics. Alternative gravitation models and theories are briefly discussed.
Detailed description of the study course is available at:
The study course consists of two major parts: Einstein’s theory of General Relativity (GR) and physical cosmology. In the first part, the concept of curved spacetime is introduced and used to develop the Einstein’s geometric theory of gravitation. Non-rotating black hole metric is determined; rotating black hole metric is discussed. The GR concepts are applied to the Homogeneous Universe model, and Friedmann equations are derived and solved. Standard Model of cosmology is introduced; dark matter and dark energy components are discussed, including their possible candidates and cosmological constraints on particle physics. Alternative gravitation models and theories are briefly discussed.