LUK004(English)(1),24/25-P Relativitāte un kosmoloģija(English)(1),24/25-P

The study course is implemented at the University of Latvia. Responsible instructor - Marcis Auzins.
Detailed description of the study course is available at:
The study course consists of two major parts: Einstein’s theory of General Relativity (GR) and physical cosmology. In the first part, the concept of curved spacetime is introduced and used to develop the Einstein’s geometric theory of gravitation. Non-rotating black hole metric is determined; rotating black hole metric is discussed. The GR concepts are applied to the Homogeneous Universe model, and Friedmann equations are derived and solved. Standard Model of cosmology is introduced; dark matter and dark energy components are discussed, including their possible candidates and cosmological constraints on particle physics. Alternative gravitation models and theories are briefly discussed.