LJA381(English)(3),24/25-P Kuģa darbi un prakse darbnīcās(English)(3),24/25-P

The study course consists of two parts: 'Ship's work' and 'Workshop practice'.
The part "Ship's Work" provides a first insight into the working and living conditions on board a ship, as well as the need to observe special requirements when working in a hazardous area. This part of the study course serves as an introduction to the "Basic Safety Course" (STCW A-VI/1).
The part "Workshop practice" containing the basic information on the processing of metals and alloys used in various industrial and technical sectors for the production of various parts and products.
"Practical training in workshops" together with other general engineering disciplines - mechanical drawing, sculptural geometry, material resistance, theoretical mechanics, theory of machines and mechanisms, materials technology, machine elements - provides the necessary general technical training and fundamental knowledge base on the basis of which students will be able to learn independently everything new in the field of practical mechanics.
During the practical training students acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in locksmithing, safety techniques, construction of measuring instruments and their application, marking, locksmithing work, tools to be used, locksmithing work to be performed, drilling machines and drilling, hand-held power tools.
During the apprenticeship in the mechanical workshops, students acquire practical skills on lathes, milling machines and planers.
The study course of study is structured in accordance with the tasks in the workshop practice book for ship mechanics and ship electro-mechanics (trainees). The Workbook is designed to meet the functions and competency standards of a ship's engineer and ship's electrical engineer as defined in Standards A-III/1 and A-III/6 of the STCW Code of Conduct, and the tasks contained therein cover those areas of knowledge and skills related to the maintenance and repair of shipboard engineering systems.
Part-time study is organized according to an individually designed study plan.