Modulis "Profesionālā lietpratība pirmsskolas metodiskajā darbā": Interešu izglītība un darbs ar talantīgiem bērniem(English)(1),24/25-R

Talent and giftedness as an aspect of diversity. The concepts of giftedness, the essence of talent and their mutual connection. Scientific research in Latvia and the world, their results.
Social and emotional development of talented and gifted students and inclusion in the socialization process. Interactions of interest education and the pedagogical process in preschool.
Factors promoting talent development - abilities, creativity, motivation, interest, personality, opportunities, etc.
Characteristics of types of talented students and identification mechanisms.
Interest education offer and opportunities. Educational needs of gifted and talented children and opportunities for their provision.
Teachers and parents as partners in ensuring educational needs, public involvement.
Methods and techniques in working with talented and gifted children. Individualization and differentiation. Stereotypes.
Aspects of professional competence development in working with talented students. Opportunities for creating individual programs.
George Betts model. A talent-supportive educational institution culture.