BŪK313(English)(1),23/24-R Plūsmas mehānika(English)(1),23/24-R

The study course includes theory about the determination of liquid and gas properties and hydrostatic pressure forces. The study course is based on the laws of liquids and gases in motion. The study course covers flow characteristics, the concept of the boundary layer and the description of turbulence, the basics of dimensional analysis, the nature of hydraulic resistance and flow, as well as these processes are modelled. The study course describes the equipment selection methods - for pipes, valves, pumps and fans. The study course examines the flow in channels, pipes, around bodies and through nozzles includes the basics of gas dynamics. The content of the study course includes lectures on the existing software for hydro and gas calculations (https://www.ksb.com/en-de/software-and-know-how/configuration-tools/ksb-easyselect).