Gaisa kvalitātes inženierija(English)(1),22/23-P

The air quality specialization includes both outdoor and indoor air quality. Outdoor air quality ranges from local, such as dust levels on city streets, to global climate change and the ozone hole in the upper atmosphere. Air quality is a concern both for human health and for the wider planet. The European Union has set air quality standards to regulate air quality. Indoor air quality is also crucial, especially given that people spend most of their time indoors. Indoor air pollutants can include radon (which escapes from the surrounding soil into a building); bioaerosols (including airborne viruses, bacteria, mould spores, etc.); volatile organic compounds released from paint, carpet, computer plastics, etc. The study course will provide an insight into the concept of air quality engineering, improve skills in gas and liquid mechanics, provide an understanding of how physical processes are described, what simplifications should be used to make calculations and how to apply them to find solutions to air quality pollution problems at the local level. and globally. Students will be introduced to the types of pollution and their spread, and the requirements for air quality.