Dizaina tirgzinības(English)(1),22/23-R

Nowadays, design that includes product, service, communication, and environmental design plays a vital role in the overall business activities. Developing new products and promoting existing ones must be a strategically designed process to be successful in business. The role of design is closely linked to the promotion of a competitive economy in various sectors of the economy, as it is necessary to create consumer-oriented and high-quality products and services that are commensurate with both product and company strategy in the development process. This requires understanding the role of the designer in generating and implementing different levels of innovative ideas, in designing and maintaining interfaces between market opportunities, suppliers, manufacturers and users, taking into account the interests, capabilities and objectives of the parties involved. To be able to realize the acquired understanding in practical solutions, to create an efficient, modern communication environment and technologies, as well as to match it with the company's business structure.