Maģistra darbs ar projekta daļu(English)(1),21/22-P
Master Thesis Project consists of research and project parts. The topic of research related to the field of electronics is approved by the Department. Research must contain a state of the art analysis, choice and justification of research methods, application of these methods to solve defined problems, conclusion and analysis of the obtained results, final recommendations.
Master Thesis Project must prove the student’s professional skills that are essential to design electronic equipment according to the qualification of an electronics engineer. The project part must contain the definition of the problem based on literature review, the analysis of possible solutions, circuit design, calculations and experiments,, as well as other activities related to the particular project.
Master Thesis Project must prove the student’s professional skills that are essential to design electronic equipment according to the qualification of an electronics engineer. The project part must contain the definition of the problem based on literature review, the analysis of possible solutions, circuit design, calculations and experiments,, as well as other activities related to the particular project.