Real Estate Economics(English)(1),20/21-R

The course gives information on the economic and juridical factors of the real estate goods, its importance in the theory of the real estate economy and ongoing economic processes. There is explained the content of the real estate market supply, demand and equilibrium and different factors that have an impact on the development of the real estate market. Students are provided with the necessary knowledge of the real estate market, supply and demand, equilibrium and factors that have an impact on it. Great attention is paid to the various sectors of the real estate market, features of the development of the sectors of the real estate market as well as its connections with the different industries of the national economy. Attention is paid also to the business activities at the real estate market. The necessary knowledge of the development and evaluation of the real estate is provided. The identified problems connected with the real estate management, its efficiency, as well as the management of the threats and risks in area of real estate are presented