Research Methods in Business Informatics(English)(1),20/21-R

Modern society is being moved towards a knowledge-based model within which innovative solutions are created that can be applied to enhancing the economy. However, innovative solutions can be created through synthesizing existing knowledge. Scientific methods have been designed and are applied specifically for this purpose, therefore being familiar with such methods should be of benefit to students of business informatics program. The main subject of the course is the introduction to and practical application of scientific methods that can be used in computer science research. Given that some of the students may not be familiar with the concept, the course presents the types of scientific methods and possibilities of application thereof. Quantitative and qualitative scientific methods are considered, the research process and its various steps are analyzed, and the stages of drafting a scientific publication are set out. To ensure a more efficient learning process, theoretical studies are complemented with a realistic research project of a nominal volume; the results of this project shall be presented in a written report. A number of lectures are dedicated to honing technical writing skills that can be applied to drafting course and final papers.